Proverbs 31:25

"She is clothed in strength and dignity, she can laugh at the days to come." Proverbs 31:25

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

21 Months!

So my baby is 21 months! For all of you who hate when us mom's go by months..that's almost 2!! My how time has flown! I miss her being my little baby but I'm totally loving this stage in her life! Every single day is new!! She learns so much and I get to experience watching her grow! Truly God's greatest gift! (aside from Christ)

Here are some 21 month facts about Brooklyn...

  • She has too many teeth for me to count!...not that I can't count that high, haha but everytime I open her mouth to try to count them, she bites down on my fingers! And man do those little teeth hurt!! They haven't been dulled down by lots of meat yet!

  • She still LOVES to brush her teeth! or as she says "brusha teef"

  • If she's awake when I'm getting ready in the morning, she has to sit on the counter and put on "mate-up" aka make-up

  • I've had to buy hard plastic sippy cups because she is biting holes in all the soft plastic ones :/ More teeth coming in I asume

  • She still LOVES "bieberbell" (Tinkerbell) and now loves "Awiel" (Ariel) and "Beast" (Beauty and the Beast) as well as Micky and Minnie :)

  • She can make all kinds of animal sounds and point them out in books

  • She talks CONSTANTLY!! And actually uses real words!

  • True story: We were driving the other morning and we passed a school bus. She said "thool bus" when she saw it! I had never showed her one or said that to her before! I don't know where she learned it, but she amazes me with her intellect!

  • Another true story: At lunch today, I was finishing eating when she clasps her hands together, mumbles some jibberish, and says "amen." I was in shock! We pray with her all the time; before we eat, before bed, etc but she has never really joined in. I love seeing her notice that we pray. It makes it even more important for me to include her in prayer and going to church as well as talk about Jesus and salvation, just so she knows.

  • We have a great routine going for bed time: take a bath, brush her teeth, put on lotion, powder and jammies, pick up all toys and put toothbrush away, pick a book (usually "Go Dog. Go!" or a Tinkerbell book) to read, climb up in her big girl bed, cover up, pray then turn out the lights. She loves having a routine and it makes it so much easier on me.

  • Speaking of picking up toys...she. loves. it! She will sing "clean your share" and put her toys where they go. Tonight she even put her toothbrush in the drawer without being asked.

  • She sits in a booster seat at home now! It's a little more messy than the highchair, but it doesn't take up so much room (plastic bibs with pockets help tons! Just a hint to the moms out there!)

  • She LOVES to dance!!

There is so much more she is doing but I couldn't possibly list everything.

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