Proverbs 31:25

"She is clothed in strength and dignity, she can laugh at the days to come." Proverbs 31:25

Thursday, September 29, 2011

What do you choose?

Lately I feel so whiny!! And that is not the kind of person I like to be. To most people I'm not, but to those I feel are close enough to listen (Luke and my mom) I can sure whine about things.

I had a VERY easy pregnacy with Brooklyn!!...but this one has turned out not to be so easy. I spent the first 13 weeks naucious (I never once got this way the first time, and I don't throw up unless I'm super sick!). I tried crackers and even getting medicine from my doctor but even those made me naucious. I already have indegestion (I'm so sorry for all the people who suffer this all the time!) and it made me walk hunched over like an old man! My back hurts all the time, I've had a lot of pain in my stomach, and I. AM. SO. TIRED!!!!!!! I can't get enough sleep. And the more sleep I get, the more tired I am!

After listening to me whine, I'm sure you're wondering when I'm going to get to the point...Well here it is: I. Am. Blessed. Beyond. Belief!!!

*I am able to get pregnant!
*Both of my children are healthy (though one does have a double ear infection right now and the other is just now forming ears)
*I have a husband who loves me, supports me, and takes care of me
*My daughter thinks I'm the greatest person alive!
*I've had no complications during this pregnancy

After having a miscarriage earlier this year, I feel as though I am blessed beyond belief to have this new baby! I can remember praying that if God lets me have another child I wouldn't care how sick I was or how much I hurt because I would give Him all the glory for blessing me with another child.

So, that is what I am going to do! When I'm too tired to stay up and do homework, when I just have to sit down to teach because I'm too dizzy to stand up, when I have to make frequent trips to the bathroom, I am going to praise God! I can choose to let the devil cripple me or I can choose to live for God, allow myself to be blessed by Him, and praise Him constantly for all that He has given me. I choose the latter! What do you choose?