Proverbs 31:25

"She is clothed in strength and dignity, she can laugh at the days to come." Proverbs 31:25

Friday, July 8, 2011

Brooklyn Stories

* The other day, Brooklyn wanted a brownie. I'm trying to teach her to use her manners and say please. So I said "say please and you can have a brownie." She said "brownie" and then pushed me! Yes! My sweet little angel didn't get her way so she resorted to pushing! What did I do? Spank her! She had this awful look on her face like I hurt her feelings, she pouted around the floor for like 5 minutes, then she came up to me and said "brownie please." I of course gave her a brownie then. We may have a little temper to tame!

*While I had to work one day, Aunt Mush and Bepah kept Brooklyn. Brooklyn loves her little cousin Dylan. She got to play with him all day. At lunch I got a message from Mush saying "B just got her pretend phone and held it up to Dylan and said 'cheese'! lol think shes had a few pics taken of her?" I thought this was so funny!

*Today, Luke was changing Brooklyn's clothes. He would pick out a shirt and Brooklyn would say "I don't like it" (i yount yike it). She did this for EVERY shirt he picked out! In the end, he had to hold her down while she cried to put on a shirt she didn't "like". She's already a drama queen!

I have so many other funny stories to tell about Brooklyn, but these are all recent so I had to share before I forgot them.

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