Proverbs 31:25

"She is clothed in strength and dignity, she can laugh at the days to come." Proverbs 31:25

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Child-like Faith

A few weeks ago, our oldest daughter, Brooklyn, told me that it was going to snow on Christmas. Now, my daughter isn't like most 3 year old's who say something and then forget all about it. No. When Brooklyn gets something in her head she remembers. She will remember for months!

So everytime the conversation turned to Christmas...which it did every few hours since presents were under the tree taunting her...she would bring up the fact that it wasn't Christmas yet because it wasn't snowing. I remember one morning in particular where she woke up, asked "is it Christmas??" and ran to the window to look outside to see if there was snow on the ground. She turned back to me and said very seriously, "it's not Christmas yet because it isn't snowing and it's going to snow on Christmas."

As a mom who doesn't like to see her little girl hurt, I prayed that it would snow on Christmas. And Brooklyn prayed that it would snow on Christmas. But the difference in these two prayers was that she absolutly believed that it was going to snow on Christmas. I on the other hand, having lived in Arkansas my whole life and never once seen a white Christmas, was skeptical. Of course I know God can do anything. He's God!! But come on, last week I was wearing short sleeve shirts with no jacket.

Then the weather man predicted snow on Christmas. What!! It's over 70 degrees outside and we might be getting snow in a week?? Sure... I've never put much hope in what the weathermen "predict" but I sure did hope he was right on this one. How cool would it be for my 3 year old to pray for a white Christmas and get one. Maybe if we lived up north somewhere, but surely not down here in the south where "winter" means anything below 60 degrees.

Then Christmas came!!! The day we had waited weeks for! It finally came!! We opened all our presents. Visited all our families. And then the miracle happened. It turned cold. No, not cold. Freezing! Then it started to rain. We all know what happens to rain when the weather is below 32 degrees. Usually in Arkansas its called freezing rain and our roads turn icy. It started out that way, but quickly turned into snow. Big, huge, beautiful white snowflakes. And the surprising part? It stuck to the ground! It hadn't been snowing very long before we had 2" of snow! When I got up this morning we had at least a foot of snow in our backyard. This is record breaking for us!

Brooklyn was so excited!! I asked her, "do you know who made it snow?" She responded "God." "You know God make it snow for you right?" I asked, and in that beautiful child-like faith she replied, "I was thinking about that." She looked at it through open blinds all evening until she had to go to bed and when she woke up she ran to the door and exclaimed, "the snow is sparkling! I want to go play in it!!"

It took 15 minutes for the two of us to get layered up to go outside and then we only lasted about 3 minutes before Brooklyn wanted to go back inside. Luke asked her if she had fun in the snow and she said "yes, I want to go back and play in it when the snow gets warmer." Oh, that's my girl!!

After reading this long post, I'm sure you're wondering where this is all heading. What does it have to do with having child-like faith? I prayed and God answered my prayer. But my prayer held skeptisizm. Matthew 21:21 says "Jesus replied," I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what has been done to this fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go throw yourself into the sea' and it will be done."

So many times our prayers hold doubt. We pray for snow thinking that it's probably not going to happen. But God wants us to have faith. To not doubt Him. Even though our prayers might not be answered the exact way we think they should, or in the time that they should, God knows what He's doing and is always faithful.

I prayed a specific prayer every night as a child. Finally I stopped praying it. I didn't give up on the prayer, but I grew out of the child-like faith of my very specific prayer being answered and just decided God's Will would be done in His time. Very recently, my specific prayer was answered exactly as I had prayed back when I was a child. He never stops amazing me!!

As we get older, hold onto the child-like faith. Don't be naive or ask for things that you know is not God's Will, but have faith that God has your best interest at heart. He will provide.

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