Proverbs 31:25

"She is clothed in strength and dignity, she can laugh at the days to come." Proverbs 31:25

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Summer Projects

This summer there are several things I want to accomplish. I thought I'd share what my main ones are because hopefully I will be blogging about them throughout the summer.

1. Blog more often: even if I only do 1 post a month it will be more than I've been doing. Hopefully I'll do more than 1 post :) I really want to blog about different books I've read so maybe I will get a chance to do that.

2. Pinterest notebook: I saw this idea when substituting one day. The teacher had a to-do list on her desk and one of the things said "Pinterest notebook." I don't know what she meant by that, but I thought it would be a good idea to organize different things I've found on Pinterest. (If you don't know what Pinterest is, check it out at One of the main reasons I want it is for my classroom. I see so many cute ideas on Pinterest that I want to incorporate in my classroom so I thought I'd organize them in one place to make it easier on me during the school year.

3. Organize my grandparents shed: My grandparents have lived in Conway for about 12 years. They brought so much "junk" that they thought they'd need and haven't used and they've also accumulated so much more "junk." Most of it they don't use but it has taken over their shed, behind their shed, their attic, and their garage. So, since they do so much for me, I'm going to help my granddad get his stuff organized. You might have noticed how I said they have stuff taking over many different parts of their house. Each part is such a big task in and of itself that I'm not committing to all this summer. I'm only starting with one and will work til its done and then start on another part. I can't wait to see the ending results. (Have I mentioned just how much I LOVE ORGANIZING!!!!)

4. Potty Train Brooklyn

5. Cook more often (and learn to cook smaller amounts so we don't have so much leftovers, because Luke won't eat leftovers and I get tired of the same stuff for days)

6. Spend less money when grocery shopping: I love lists! But when I'm grocery shopping I never seem to make a thorough enough list and I never stick to my list. I want to do better at sticking to my lists AND use coupons better. Hopefully I can save us some money.

7. Clean/Organize my garage: let's just say, it's about to explode with all the stuff it has in it.

There are other misc. projects I will have throughout the summer. I'm not one to do nothing and just "relax." Spending time with Luke and the girls is me "relaxing." I can't wait for all the fun stuff we are going to do this summer!

Let the summer begin!!!

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